FARM WALK: Wednesday 25th September at 3pm Richard & Joe Fortune


National Pedigree Herd Winner

FARM WALK   :  All Welcome

Wednesday 25th September at 3pm

Richard & Joe Fortune,  Knottown, Co. Wexford Y35KX85

OPEN DAY- WEDNESDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2019 from 3 – 6pm

Richard and Joe Fortune, Knottown House, Knotown, Wexford won the FBD Euro-Star 200 pedigree competition in December 2018.

The Fortune’s run a herd of 125 pedigree Salers cows. Approx 50% of the herd (best cows) are mated to Salers sires for pedigree purposes. The remaining 50% are run commercially and mated to a Charolais sire. All commercial progeny as well as pedigree progeny which are deemed not good enough are slaughtered. Approx. 15-20 pedigree bulls are sold for breeding each year.

While the Fortune’s run a Salers herd, the day will be focused on pedigree breeding best practise for all breeders. There will be stands focusing on the following:

  1. Farm Intro
    1. Size of farm
    2. Farm system
    3. Breeding objectives
  2. Whole Herd Performance Recording
    1. Outline of programme
    2. Recording on the Fortune farm
    3. Benefits to breeder and commercial farmer
  3. Gene Ireland Beef Programme
    1. Outline of programme
    2. Bulls from the Knottown Herd in Gene Ireland
    3. Demo of dams of the bulls.
  4. Young Bull Management
    1. Managing pedigree bulls from weaning to sale
    2. Managing stock bulls from purchase over first few years.
  5. Autumn Management on Beef Farms
    1. Closing up paddocks
    2. Parasirte control at housing
    3. Winter fodder

There will also be a number of workshops in the farmyard including:

  1. Linear Scoring Demonstration – Linear scorer will go through what happens as part of a WHPR visit. Traits collected on cows and young stock.
  2. Data Recording in Pedigree herds – Collecting birth weights, AI and stock bull serves, health data, etc.
  3. Analysing BEEP weighing data – Using the weaning performance report post weighing
  4. Health and Safety­ – Demo of some of the safety features in the Fortune’s farmyard including a specialised loading ramp and a loader mounted calf crate for weighing and tagging calves safely in the field.

There will be various trade stands attending.